Bisbee Blue Turquoise, scientifically known as "Cyanus bisbeeanus," is a highly prized gemstone characterized by its vibrant blue color with a unique matrix of chocolate-brown or reddish-brown webbing. This striking appearance is a result of the high copper content in the region where it is found. The gemstone is often called "Bisbee Blue" due to its vivid hue and is sometimes referred to as "Bisbee Turquoise" or simply "Bisbee." The stone's vibrant blue color is unmatched, setting it apart from other types of turquoise, making it a sought-after choice for high-end jewelry.
One unique quality of Bisbee Blue Turquoise is its rarity, as it is no longer actively mined, making existing pieces highly valuable and coveted by collectors and jewelers alike. This rarity has solidified its status as a collector's item, further enhancing its desirability. Bisbee Blue Turquoise holds significant historical and cultural importance to Bisbee, AZ, as it was originally discovered in the copper mines of the area. This gemstone is a testament to Bisbee’s rich mining heritage, serving as a lasting symbol of the town’s connection to the mining industry and its influence on the local economy and culture.