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Turtle Dove

The Morning Dove, scientifically known as *Zenaida macroura*, is commonly referred to as the Mourning Dove, Turtle Dove, and American Mourning Dove. This bird is instantly recognizable by its soft, grayish-brown body, slightly lighter on the underparts, and distinguished by a sharp tail with large white spots. The wings have black spots, and the bird’s overall size ranges from 9 to 13 inches in length, making it a relatively medium-sized dove. Mourning Doves feed primarily on seeds, including cultivated grains and weeds, making up about 99% of their diet, with occasional insects and other small invertebrates.

One unique quality of the Mourning Dove is its incredible ability for rapid flight, which can reach speeds of up to 55 miles per hour. This trait is particularly beneficial for quick escapes from predators and efficient migration. In Bisbee, AZ, the Mourning Dove holds cultural significance as it is a familiar and comforting presence in both urban and rural settings. Its soft, woeful cooing is a cherished part of the local soundscape, marking the beginning and end of many residents' days, thus embedding it deeply into the everyday life of the community.

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